Creative activities for kids to do at home during covid-19

Creative activities for kids to do at home during covid-19

Most schools around the world are closed indefinitely due the rampant spread of covid-19. While this situation suits most children, it is a scenario that presents parents with a host of challenges. In fact, the majority of parents are running low on ideas to keep their little ones active, engaged and entertained. In addition, parents are having to find a balance between working from home and attending to their children’s needs. You may feel like you have exhausted every colouring and painting activity, story book and television show, but do not throw in the towel just yet. Here are some creative activities for kids to do at home during covid-19 that are bound to keep them busy. Read on for tips on activities that inspire children to use their imaginations, utilise their energy, and work through various emotions.

Keeping children active at home

Everyone is preoccupied with the impact of covid-19 on their health, their finances and the economy. In addition, people are anxious for the sun to shine through this dark period we are currently living in and for it to come to an end. What most parents fail to realise is that their children are also dealing with their own unique set of challenges. Some of these problems include missing school, not interacting with their friends and missing the activities that school and their friends provide. As such, keeping children active at home during covid-19 is essential to mental and physical wellbeing.

Creative activities for children

We have put together a list of creative activities to keep children engaged while they are cooped up at home.

1. Creating puzzles

You can start creating your own puzzles. This a simple and fun activity for the entire family that the children will absolutely love. All you need is some cardboard, crayons, markers, or paint, as well as some creativity. You can then proceed to draw of paint a picture of your liking and colour it in. after that you can then cut the picture into various puzzle pieces. The more the number of pieces the more complex and complicated the puzzle will be to put together.

2. Paint fireworks

Secondly, you can put your artistic capabilities to the test by creating paint fireworks. For this exercise you will need to use empty paper towel as well as toilet paper tubes. Needless to say, this is an excellent activity to also teach the children about recycling and why it is important to the preservation of the planet. Start by cutting vertical slits on one end of the empty tube and then fan the slits out. Then dip the end of the tube in paint and press it on a black piece of paper. Use different paint for each firework and add glitter to make your paint fireworks really sparkle.

3. Towel skating

Thirdly you can go a more unorthodox route and do some towel skating around the house. Towel skating is not only great fun for the kids, bur it is also an excellent way to clean and shine the floors. Squirt some floor cleaner all over your floors and attach some cleaning rags to your children’s feet. Instead of roller skates your children will use the rags to skate across the floors thereby cleaning them in the process. Encourage your kids to skate on every inch of floor to ensure your entire floors are clean.

4. Make up your own exercises

Let your children get creative by creating and naming their own exercises. This is not only a fun family activity but it also encourages fitness and a healthy lifestyle.

5. Create a happiness box

There is no question that your children are just as scared and stressed as you are during this bleak time. A happiness box is an excellent resource for when your children are feeling worried, anxious or scared. Find an old shoebox and decorate it with bright colours, and other happy things. Once decorated, your happiness box can be filled with things that make your children happy and give them great comfort. Thus, whenever your children are feeling sad, anxious or worried they can open the happiness box and feel better.

6. Create a treasure hunt around the house

Another excellent indoor activity that the children will thoroughly enjoy is a treasure hunt. Start by creating a treasure map based on the floor plan of you home. Your children can then follow the map to some hidden treasure. For children that are older, consider a scavenger hunt with a clue at each spot. The clues will lead to the next station and a step closer to the treasure.

7. Use free resources

Since the onset of covid-19 there are various free educational and entertainment resources for children that are being offered for free on the internet. With this in mind, go online to see what you can find to keep your children active at home during this time. All these creative activities for kids to do at home during covid-19 will help keep your children engaged.

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